In the late 1930s, the Soviet Red Army began to consider a replacement for the PM M1910 water-cooled machine gun that was based on the Maxim design. As it happened, the Kremlin put great faith in a medium machine gun designed by Vasily Degtyaryov — who had designed the DP-27 light machine gun. Shown here is an SGM machine gun ...
While shooting on a flat range can be beneficial, it is also almost always static. On the other hand, a real-world defensive usage of a firearm for self-defense most likely will not be. You may find yourself shooting from a stationary position most of the time when you are training, but would your shooting performance suffer while moving? Learning how ...
Over the years, I’ve acquired quite a few 1911s, many of them Springfields, and seen a lot more in my shooting classes. They seem to run like the proverbial Singer sewing machine. Let me tell you about one specimen of one of the company’s older 1911 pistols that has been with me for a decade and a half now. Frankly, ...
When I need to see that elk or deer more closely, I reach for my Vortex binoculars. Why? Because I’ve come to trust the brand over the years for its superb optics and performance — and the fact their customer service is outstanding. The Vortex Defender-ST mounted on the Springfield Armory 1911 Operator AOS — a self-defense-ready combination. So, when ...
Wilson Combat just launched the first model from the new Division 77 product line, the 9mm Project 1 pistol. Division 77 is Wilson Combat’s new “Skunk Works” group that has the goal of pushing the boundaries of the Arkansas company’s capabilities in pistol design and performance. The name “Project 77” is a reference to the year 1977, when Bill Wilson ...
[In this article, the author discusses homemade firearms. Known also by their media name of “ghost guns,” homemade firearms are nothing new. Nevertheless, they have become a political football in recent years. The author’s views are his own and do not constitute legal advice. Always check your local laws.] I’m more than a little sick of hearing the term “ghost ...
After the historic New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, the State of New Jersey enacted legislation that somewhat resembled “Shall Issue” legislation for issuing concealed carry permits. As a part of the permitting process, training classes and a shooting proficiency test are required. The shooting test is called the Civilian ...
Firearm: Heritage Roscoe 3” (MSRP: $363.99) For today’s kit, we’ve opted for a revolver setup, for those who prefer the ease of use of a wheelgun. We’ve chosen the Heritage Manufacturing Roscoe with a 3-inch barrel, which is somewhat of an anomaly in the concealed-carry revolver world. When you hear of a five-shot revolver, generally it has a barrel length ...
A Laveen homeowner defended their family by opening fire on armed intruders during an early morning home invasion, injuring one suspect and causing the others to flee. Authorities continue to investigate the incident. LAVEEN, AZ (1-minute read) — An early Monday morning home invasion in a Laveen neighborhood escalated into a dramatic scene as a homeowner took decisive action to ...
Social Media Idiocy Strikes Again! Two TikTok hikers, wearing Crocs and carrying minimal gear, attempted a 16-mile trek up Mount Charleston’s icy South Loop Trail, only to face freezing temperatures, three inches of snow, and dead phone batteries during their descent. Ill-prepared and without proper navigation tools, they relied on swapping a single pair of hiking boots between them to ...