A road rage incident in Urbana, IL, ended with a male passenger hospitalized in intensive care after being shot by a concealed carry permit holder who claimed self-defense. Police continue to investigate. URBANA, IL (2-minute read) — A heated road rage incident in Urbana on Saturday escalated into violence, leaving a man hospitalized in intensive care. Urbana Police Department officers ...
Smith & Wesson launched its M&P5.7 pistol in 2023, offering another mainstream handgun chambered in the 5.7×28 mm cartridge. At the time, it joined the original FN FiveseveN and the Ruger-5.7 as a concealed-carry option, as well as various large-frame options like the KelTec P50 and Diamondback DBX57. Smith & Wesson’s entry in the 5.7 area featured a 22-round magazine, ...
“A man’s got to know his limitations.” Just because Clint Eastwood’s fictitious “Dirty Harry” character is credited for this quote, it doesn’t mean the words ring any less true. Failing to recognize your own limitations can get you hurt—or worse. Also, limitations do not only pertain to the man or woman, but also to the guns and gear he or ...
Smith & Wesson is announcing new carry bundles featuring the S&W Equalizer and M&P22 Magnum that come with extra magazines and pistol cases, free of charge. M&P 22 Magnum Range Kit The MP&P 22 Magnum is an internally hammer-fired, gas-operated pistol. It has a unique locked-breech operating system, where the barrel doesn’t cam open until the projectile passes the gas ...
As I was browsing through several social media platforms in the hunting and shooting groups, I couldn’t help but notice the amount of handgun hunting being shared. This thrills my soul as I’ve been a dyed-in-the-wool handgun hunter for the better part of 40 years. The TRP Operator 1911 in 10mm makes a solid choice for reasonably close-range handgun hunting. But ...
Gifts $100 to $19999 1 | Falco Holsters Large Bum Bag for Concealed Gun CarryDiscretion is the better part of valor, as the expression goes, and sometimes blending in with the crowd is the way to go. The bag’s main compartment keeps your firearm secure, while three additional compartments can hold the rest of your EDC gear. It’s ambidextrous, too. ...
VIDEO: Bystander Tries Breaking Up Fight, But Is Brutally Attacked Instead; When To Not Get Involved
Engaging in confrontations can lead to serious consequences, including physical harm, legal issues, and emotional distress. This article explores the importance of avoiding disputes and maintaining personal safety. Confrontations are a part of life, but how you handle them can significantly impact your safety, freedom, and mental health. While stepping into a heated situation might seem noble or necessary, the ...
It was 0600 on 15 September 1916, and the defending members of the Kaiser’s First Army in France were chronically exhausted. Poison gas, machine gun fire, cold food, trench foot, and unimaginable volumes of artillery had left those that survived fractious and scarred. The mud was so thick and so deep that it swallowed men alive. Rats the size of ...
Langdon Tactical Technologies has just begun offering a new suite of Beretta 1301T tactical shotgun related accessories, including a new front sight, a new optics mount, a new heat shield and a modular switch mount. While Langdon Tactical Technologies made its name selling parts, upgrades and accessories centered around improving the Beretta 92 9mm handgun family, Langdon Tactical Technologies has ...
The price of ammunition continues to rise, and our lives keep getting busier and busier. Range time is more and more scarce, which makes the efficient use of your time and ammo on the range a very good thing indeed. To help with those goals, I’ve collected a few practice drills which sharpen your pistol skills without wasting your time ...