Imagine a world without Vietnam. I don’t mean the unified country of 98.86 million people in Southeast Asia that is a thriving economic powerhouse today. I mean, imagine a world without the Vietnam War. What if, when the French were beaten at Dien Bien Phu and the communists were creeping south like some kind of malignant political disease, we didn’t ...
Photos by Sabastian Mann In 1977, a competitive handgun shooter from Berryville, Arkansas — who just happened to be a watchmaker by trade — started building custom 1911 handguns. Bill Wilson was a good jeweler and a good shooter, and he became one of the most recognized and best modifiers of the 1911 platform. Wilson said in an interview in ...
The .22 Magnum pistol is a rare bird, but we pick four top options in the caliber to satiate even the most finicky rimfire fan. A semi-automatic .22 Magnum pistol … cue crickets chirping. Popular as the souped-up rimfire cartridge has proven over the past 60 odd years it’s never really conquered the pistol market. Revolvers, those chamber in what’s ...
Happy birthday, S&B. It’s not often a company marks its 200th anniversary, especially one based in a country that’s been invaded by both Nazis and Communists, experienced the death of an empire, survived the transition from state control to free market capitalism, and recently, acquisition by another firm. But here we are. Founded in 1825 by two French businessmen, Louis ...
Gear for those carrying a firearm for the first time. Read the full article here ...
If you want to effectively defend your domain without risk of legal trouble, you need to understand Castle Doctrine. Castle Doctrine is a legal principle that recognizes the right to defend yourself within the safety of your home, allowing the use of force—including deadly force—without the obligation to retreat. It’s rooted in the belief that one’s home is a sanctuary, ...
The Slovak Republic, commonly called Slovakia, is a land of many names. This piece of earth has been continuously home and habitat to some form of peoples for over a quarter million years. Stretching from the early Paleolithic to modern day, uncountable kings, overlords, and empires planted their flags, changed names and governmental systems, and left indelible marks upon the ...
The FBI said that 9mm is just as good as .45 ACP, but we’re here to make the argument that sometimes bigger really is better. Back when John Browning fine-tuned the .45 ACP (he didn’t invent it, but he did make it perfect), the premier arm of the military was the cavalry. Part of their job was stopping opposing cavalry—even ...
Every few years we see a technological leap in optics, even though these feats aren’t always immediately obvious to the non-nerds among us. Sometimes these take place in the form of advanced coatings or novel approaches to increasing contrast or reducing optic aberrations, but occasionally it’s much more conspicuous … or maybe not so much. In fact, if you don’t ...
Have you ever known a shooter who likes to miss? All shooters who bother to spend valuable time training do so with the intention of improving their skills and the desired result of being able to perform those skills under pressure. In the training environment, there is no more useful, double-edged training tool than trending mistakes. Dreaded by most and ...