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A PLETHORA OF OPTIONS, FROM SHOTGUNS TO HANDGUNS. Narrowing down the best gun for home defense can feel overwhelming. Between the advice at the gun store, the people online, and your friend’s brother’s buddy who used to be a cop, it can feel like too much information. To avoid adding to that noise, we’ll keep this short and simple. Covering ...

CLICK HERE TO ENTER RECOIL 14 Days of Christmas 2024 – Day 11 Night Fision Read the full article here ...

As a result of its collaboration with Magpul, Ruger released its latest handgun design, the RXM, which makes use of a serialized chassis that Ruger calls its “Fire Control Insert.” The new design is modular, and the chassis-style design means that different grip modules will be made available in the future. The design borrows many elements from the Glock G19 ...

Silencer Central—which began modestly in 2005 and has grown to become the nation’s largest dealer, distributor and manufacturer of suppressors—is expanding yet again. The company broke ground earlier this month on a new distribution and warehouse center adjacent to the Sioux Falls, SD, headquarters building it opened barely two years ago. The new 60.000-square-foot facility will be home to the ...

As pleasurable as a large and varied arsenal might be, it’s more aspirational than practical. This is especially true during times when everything costs twice what it used to. Maintaining a full stable of mules is much more expensive than taking care of a five-mule team. From a minimalist approach, what guns—chambered for what cartridges—and what loads for those guns ...

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ARO Products, a new holster-accessory company, has recently launched its first product, the Wrap. The ARO Wrap is a polycarbonate lattice sheet that is designed to wrap around Safariland Vault or Safariland 6000 Series tactical duty holsters.  The many slots found on the polycarbonate sheet allow for MOLLE compatible accessories to be mounted to the front, the rear and sides ...